SAMA Participants:
We have now completed delivering the SAMA programmes to our schools across Karnataka, India.
What is the purpose of Project SAMA?
Adolescence is a time when emotional well-being can deteriorate, which affects academic performance and quality of life.
Schools can be very effective in delivering initiatives to protect and enhance the emotional well-being of adolescents so that they can reach their potential. Project SAMA works with schools to co-produce, implement and evaluate interventions and strategies to support the well-being of young people.
What will Project SAMA do?
Project SAMA first works with teachers, pupils, parents, and emotional well-being professionals to produce a package of inter-related school-based programs – one for adolescents in Grade 9, one for parents, one for teachers and one for school environment.
These programs will work together to target risk and protective factors for adolescent’s emotional well-being and will be evaluated in a feasibility study.
How have schools been chosen?
We are recruiting high schools across the Bengaluru and Kolar District to take part in Project SAMA. We will recruit a range of schools to represent some of the diversity in schools across India.
As of July 2021, we have approached the Minister for Primary and Secondary Education, Government of Karnataka to obtain permission to conduct the study. The Minister has provided a letter recommending the Department of Public Instruction to provide permission. In addition, the Commissioner of DPI has permitted us to conduct the study among schools across Bengaluru and Kolar.
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SAMA Participants
Headmasters / Headmistresses