SAMA Participants:
Parents and Carers
We have now completed delivering the SAMA programmes to our schools across Karnataka, India.
Parents and carers of young people are very important in Project SAMA. We extend gratitude to the parents and carers that have been involved in Project SAMA.
What will participating as a parent or carer in Project SAMA involve?
It could involve:
Giving consent for your young person to be a research participant for the school interventions. This is explained more below.
Giving consent for you to be a research participant to take part in a parent workshop. We want to learn from parents and carers about the difficulties, needs and possibilities when supporting adolescents in school. We will invite parents and carers to share their views in a small focus groups with other parents and carers. We will use this knowledge to inform our intervention development.
Does my child have to take part?
Your child does not have to take part in this Project. Your child can choose whether he/she/they wish to assent to take part. We require your consent as their parent or carer for their participation.
At any point yourself, your child, or yourself as a parent or career on behalf of your child can with draw your/their participation without giving reason and without penalty.
Will taking part affect my child’s education?
No, your child’s curriculum education delivered by their schoolteacher will not be affected in any way.
What will my child be asked to do?
Your child will also be asked to attend focus groups with researchers and other young people so we can hear their views and ideas for our co-produced interventions.
Sources of Support
Project SAMA is a research project and does not offer any direct therapy to any of its participants however, all participating people in Project SAMA will be provided with a support sheet containing local and national sources of support.
What if I have any other questions or concerns?
If you or your child has any questions or concerns about Project SAMA, you can contact the research team.
If you are worried about your son or daughter’s emotional well-being , then a member of the research team will listen to your concerns and guide you to resources in the community that could provide the needed assessment, support and care.
For more detailed information on participating as a Parent or Carer in Project SAMA please read our SAMA Parent / Carer Information Sheet.
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